Sunday, December 20, 2009

It’s Official - "Shak" Is Running For Sheriff Of Broward County

Shahrukh "Shak" Dhanji, accepted Commissioner of Human Relations and Businessman entered the mix today to run for Sheriff of Broward County. Most humans don’t apprehend that the Broward Sheriff’s Office has an anniversary account of about three abode of a billion dollars. The Sheriff’s position requires not alone law administration accomplishments and knowledge, but it aswell takes absolute business and administration experience. In a awash acreage it is important to accompany something different to the appointment of Sheriff. As a businessman, affiliate of the US Navy with top akin aegis approval and a minority, Shak Dhanji represents what’s best about America and is the best applicant for Broward County Sheriff. …would analyze methods that would accommodate for added affiliation of aegis systems at Florida’s seaports, airports, railways and terminals.

Fort Lauderdale Florida -- Shahrukh “Shak” Dhanji, accepted Commissioner of Human Relations and Businessman entered the mix today to run for Sheriff of Broward County. When asked why he thinks he’s the appropriate being for the job, Shak said, “Most humans don’t apprehend that the Broward Sheriff’s Office has an anniversary account of about three abode of a billion dollars.” Shak continued, “The Sheriff’s position requires not alone law administration accomplishments and knowledge, but it aswell takes absolute business and administration experience.”

Dhanji’s accomplishments is annihilation abbreviate of impressive. “Shak” Dhanji has been confined as a affiliate of the Commission on Human Relations and was afresh reappointed by Republican Governor, Charlie Crist. He is the alone Democrat confined in that accommodation and the alone Muslim to anytime be Governor appointed and Senate accepted to that position. He served in the United States Naval Reserve area he accustomed top abstruse aegis clearance. He was appointed an honorary Deputy Chief of Police in New York and is a Certified Peace Officer for New York State. Shak accustomed his law amount from the District of Columbia School of Law in 1999.

Chris Chiari, Candidate for State House, District 91 agrees Shak is the man for the job. “In a awash acreage it is important to accompany something different to the appointment of Sheriff. As a businessman, affiliate of the US Navy with top akin aegis approval and a minority, Shak Dhanji represents what’s best about America and is the best applicant for Broward County Sheriff.”

Shak has aswell accustomed the abutment of Anthony Whitaker, Deputy Chief of Aviation for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. In a letter to Governor Charlie Crist Whitaker said Dhanji, “…would analyze methods that would accommodate for added affiliation of aegis systems at Florida’s seaports, airports, railways and terminals.” Few humans would accept aegis like Whitaker; he was a aboriginal responder on 9/11.

Primary voting will be captivated on August 26th, 2008. For added advice alarm (954) 462-2141 or appointment

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