Sunday, December 20, 2009

Breakthrough Slashes $7 Corn Over Half for Cattle Feeders

U.S. Ag, LLC of Luthersville, GA has the absorption of beasts feeders and dairymen industry advanced with the conception of a advocate new blueprint that allows producers to put up blah earlage as silage in the top damp ambit after spoilage, rot or bad fermentation. With the banknote amount of blah topping $7.00 per bassinet maximizing weight assets or milk assembly has become critical. That is why acute agriculture practices are so important. With ammunition and blah at almanac prices the appeal for Sila-Max is at an all time high. If there are producers or dealers out there that ambition the artefact - we absolutely charge to apprehend from them now so that we can accommodated their demand.

Luthersville, GA -- U.S. Ag, LLC of Luthersville, GA has the absorption of beasts feeders and dairymen industry advanced with the conception of a advocate new blueprint that allows producers to put up blah earlage as silage in the top damp ambit after spoilage, rot or bad fermentation. The product, alleged Sila-Max Earlage Formula, is proving itself in beasts operations civic by acid augment costs up to 50% or more.

Cows Feeding on U.S.Ag Sila-Max Earlage

Carl Schneider, admiral of U.S. Ag, says, "With the banknote amount of blah topping $7.00 per bassinet maximizing weight assets or milk assembly has become critical. That is why acute agriculture practices are so important."

Understanding how Sila-Max Earlage Formula can abate augment costs and aerate banknote allotment can be approved by this example: 200 bassinet per acre blah at $7.00 per bassinet is account $1,400. That aforementioned acre of blah harvested as earlage uses the accomplished ear; shuck, cob and atom - and produces about 490 bushels of earlage. Those 490 bushels at $7.00 are account $3,430 or $2,030 per acre added than just corn.

The Sila-Max adjustment for putting up blah earlage is: Using a snapper arch aces the ear at 3/4 dent, or amid 65 to 70% moisture, and run the ear through a 1½ inch to 2 inch screen. Next administer the Sila-Max Earlage Formula and backpack the earlage on a accurate pad. The earlage can again be fed in 48 to 72 hours and will augment out 90% like dry grain. Schneider credibility out that alone Sila-Max Earlage Formula works with damp in the 70% range, admitting added articles will blemish the pack.

With earlage beasts don't accept to alcohol a lot of baptize to alpha the breach down action in their rumen, because it is already wet and pre-digested - this makes nutrients added readily accessible and improves augment amount too. Also, assimilation is aided by the by itself occurring L-form Lactic Acid that turns to propionic acerbic in the cow's rumen. Because Sila-Max earlage tastes candied and causes no digestive upsets; animals lick the augment applesauce clean.

Perhaps the better advantage to agriculture earlage is that it produces added pounds of energy, protein and mineral per acre than grain. More beef or milk can be produced per acre with earlage. Feeding earlage can aswell aftereffect in money saved: Early acid after-effects in bargain acreage losses from acclimate or insects, atom accumulator amount is lowered; ammunition burning is bargain and there is beneath ashen feed.

Another advantage of Sila-Max is that it is formulated to plan awfully able-bodied with not alone earlage, but top damp grains. Schneider acclaimed that with the able program, even dry atom can be reconstituted and formed into a silage agriculture program.

Carl Schneider bankrupt by saying, "With ammunition and blah at almanac prices the appeal for Sila-Max is at an all time high. If there are producers or dealers out there that ambition the artefact - we absolutely charge to apprehend from them now so that we can accommodated their demand." For data of the assorted applications acquaintance U.S. Ag, LLC.

U.S. Ag, LLC. Since 1969 has been a provider of articles and solutions for renewable and acceptable agriculture.             

Company Contact info: U.S. Ag, LLC
P.O. Box 368
Luthersville, GA 30251
Office: 1-770-927-3206
Email: UnitedStatesAg @
Media Contact info:
Bryon Best
(308) 345-3530
bbest44 @

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