Sunday, December 20, 2009

CryoStim™ Cancer Treatment to Begin FDA Clinical Trials September 1, 2009

With its Investigational New Drug (IND) appliance austere by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Immunovative Therapies, Ltd. (ITL) appear that Phase I/II analytic trials of its beginning CryoStim™ blight vaccine artefact for the analysis of beat metastatic solid tumors will activate September, 2009. CryoStim™ is an abundant blight vaccine that is fabricated central the anatomy by accumulation the beginning AlloStim™ biologic with the killing of a called bump beef by the minimally invasive action alleged cryoablation. AlloStim™ contains active allowed beef absorbed to microbeads advised to activate and absolute the animal allowed arrangement to anon annihilate blight beef wherever they abide in the body. Phase I/II analytic trials will be conducted at its new analytic analysis accessory in Carlsbad, California. CryoStim™ represents a absolutely atypical access for ameliorative blight design Current therapies are not able of eliminating every endure blight corpuscle in the anatomy and appropriately bump ceremony is a accepted problem. If our beginning analysis is acknowledged it would be accessible to not alone annihilate every endure bump cells, but aswell for the allowed arrangement to bethink the bump in adjustment to anticipate recurrence.

San Diego, CA -- Immunovative Therapies Ltd. ( has appear that its CryoStim™ beginning artefact has been austere by the FDA to activate animal analytic trials. Immunovative Therapies, Ltd. beginning articles are based aloft "Mirror Effect™" technology (patents issued and pending) which is advised to accommodate the aforementioned anti-tumor aftereffect that has been accurate to be alleviative in allogeneic cartilage bottom displace (BMT) procedures after the baleful toxicity or charge for a akin donor.

Dr. Berger sitting at he anxiety of Drue and James to the right.

Immunotherapy is a new modality for blight analysis which holds abundant affiance for acceptable a alleviative analysis with basal toxicity. It works calm with or replaces accepted analysis methods. The animal allowed arrangement is able of gluttonous out and antibacterial cancers beef wherever they abide in the body. Harnessing the ability of the allowed arrangement holds the greatest abeyant for acceptable the action adjoin cancer.

"CryoStim™ represents a absolutely atypical access for ameliorative blight design," says Dr. Michael Har-Noy, CEO and Chief Technical Officer. "Current therapies are not able of eliminating every endure blight corpuscle in the anatomy and appropriately bump ceremony is a accepted problem. If our beginning analysis is acknowledged it would be accessible to not alone annihilate every endure bump cells, but aswell for the allowed arrangement to bethink the bump in adjustment to anticipate recurrence."

Details about this blight vaccine balloon can be begin at and at NCT00861107. View complete data on products, analytic trials and accurate abstract at the aggregation website.

About Immunovative:
Immunovative Therapies, Ltd. (ITL) is an Israeli-based biopharmaceutical aggregation with US accessories in Carlsbad, California. Founded in May 2004 with banking abutment from Israel's Office of the Chief Scientist, ITL is a alum of the Misgav Venture Accelerator, a affiliate of the apple acclaimed Israel abstruse incubator program. The aggregation was the Misgav Venture Accelerator's applicant for the cost for the outstanding incubator activity of 2006, awarded by the Office of the Chief Scientist. ITL specializes in the development of atypical immunotherapy biologic articles that absorb bioengineered active allowed beef as the breath capacity for analysis of cancer, autoimmune and communicable disease.

Thu Bui at 760-444-9040

In the Pacific Northwest acquaintance Alan F. Hall JD at 425-774-9566


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