Sunday, December 20, 2009

Documentary Film On Peak Oil and Suburban Sprawl, Sprawling From Grace, Available On DVD

EMotion Pictures Productions, LLC announces the absolution of Sprawling From Grace; Driven To Madness, a documentary blur that brings absorption to the growing apropos of aiguille oil and burghal sprawl, is now accessible for acquirement at At a time if humans are analytic at addition activity sources for our accepted oil dependency, we're aflame to absolution this blur as a way of showcasing the problems created by burghal sprawl It data the difficulties and dangers we face from an crumbling busline infrastructure, and brings absorption to the botheration of aiguille oil and how it relates to the accepted oil crisis. In the future, we will see the reintroduction of accessible busline and alteration in adjustment to adviser sensible, acceptable burghal development We have to abandon the action of alleviative the symptoms, and attending for a acceptable cure. Contrary to accepted belief, Americans are not absorbed to oil. Americans are absorbed to unencumbered transportation, and it is this addiction we have to abode afore the American dream, becomes the American nightmare.

Denver -- EMotion Pictures Productions, LLC announces the absolution of its accepted documentary blur Sprawling From Grace; Driven To Madness accessible for acquirement in DVD format.

"At a time if humans are analytic at addition activity sources for our accepted oil dependency, we're aflame to absolution this blur as a way of showcasing the problems created by suburban sprawl," declared David M. Edwards, ambassador and administrator of Sprawling From Grace. "It data the difficulties and dangers we face from an crumbling busline infrastructure, and brings absorption to the botheration of aiguille oil and how it relates to the accepted oil crisis."

This blur appearance above President Bill Clinton; above Governor of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis; columnist of The Long Emergency, James Howard Kunstler; and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. It explores how our nation is responding to the growing apropos of peak oil and the looming oil crises, and investigates the adeptness of addition activity to alter petroleum. The blur reveals the accord amid busline and development, and advocates for change in the way in which we body our cities.

"In the future, we will see the reintroduction of accessible busline and alteration in adjustment to adviser sensible, acceptable burghal development," declared Edwards. "We have to abandon the action of alleviative the symptoms, and attending for a acceptable cure."

The oil crisis is the a lot of important botheration adverse Americans today. The economy, the war in Iraq, civic security; all the big issues of today accept able roots in the oil crisis. Oil prices are ambagious out of control. Our country's bread-and-butter anatomy is based on bargain energy. Without bargain busline fuels, all areas of our abridgement activate to wobble.

The aboriginal adjustment of business have to be to barrier consumption. As declared in the movie, "Contrary to accepted belief, Americans are not absorbed to oil. Americans are absorbed to unencumbered transportation, and it is this addiction we have to abode afore the American dream, becomes the American nightmare."

Negotiations are still in action with online DVD rental companies such as NetFlix and Blockbuster, and for absolution in Canada and added locations about the world.

This blur is accessible for media review. To accept an advanced DVD screening archetype amuse acquaintance Emotion Pictures Productions with Name, Publication, Address, Email, and Phone Number. Once contacted we will blitz your DVD to the abode provided.

Producer/Director David M. Edwards is accessible for account by buzz or in person, and is accessible for keynote presentations. A columnist kit in MS Word certificate for is absorbed for your convenience. You can appearance the film's bivouac and added advice at our website .

Lori Osterberg
Media Contact
press @

David M. Edwards
Sprawling From Grace, LLC
press @

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