Sunday, December 20, 2009

Don't Get Caught Unprepared for Bird Flu in 2006, Says Health Author

New copy of bird flu alertness book includes specifics on planning for a civic pandemic, strategies for actual the flu, and data on how to adapt for a crisis after spending a fortune.

Tucson, AZ -- The year 2005 is over, but a baleful beginning of the bird flu is still a top affair for bloom admiral about the world. Consumers absent to adapt for an affliction communicable can now acquisition able strategies in "How to Beat the Bird Flu" by holistic bloom columnist Mike Adams. The afresh appear additional copy of the book includes 60 pages about planning for a pandemic, and what to apprehend if one occurs. In addition, the adviser provides holistic remedies that advice anticipate the flu and abate the breadth of symptoms. "How to Beat the Bird Flu" is accessible as a downloadable or album book at

"President Bush afresh appear that 30% of Americans could abatement ailing in an affliction pandemic, causing a astringent curtailment of workers," said Adams. "This could beggarly that even basal casework such as baptize and electricity will not be available. 'How to Beat the Bird Flu' gives readers all-embracing advice about what to accept in their homes in adjustment to be able to accomplish it through this blazon of catastrophe."

In "How to Beat the Bird Flu" readers will learn:
· Seven antiviral superfoods that should be a allotment of any flu blockage plan
· The top 12 antiviral herbs
· Critical emergency medical food every home needs
· What to do in case of a ability outage
· How to adapt for a crisis after spending a fortune

Should an aerial affliction beginning appear this year, the World Health Organization expects the virus to advance rapidly, abrogation little time to prepare. However, readers who chase the tips presented in "How to Beat the Bird Flu" will already accept basal aliment for actual the pandemic. This accessible chump adviser can be begin at

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Truth Publishing is committed to a mission of accessible account through the conception and administration of educational abstracts accoutrement accustomed health, wellness, ecology responsibility, and added capacity important to humans everywhere. Articles and annotation are appear at, and books and interviews are appear at

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