Sunday, December 20, 2009 launch: New Web website Converts U.S. from Republic to Democracy just launched as the alone website area all Americans can vote on any awaiting bill or resolution in Congress, ‘creating’ truer capitalism by acceptance all citizens to actually ‘vote’ on any area of legislation. The website provides the adeptness for Americans to participate in the aldermanic action of America daily, if desired, instead of already every 2 years at elections But I accept the icing on the block is the adeptness of every aborigine to analyze their adopted officials’ votes appropriate alongside their own. This advice will be invaluable for authoritative acclamation decisions if you acquisition your Representative, Senator or President voted adjoin your votes 90% of the time you are far added acceptable to vote adjoin him or her for re-election than if they had voted 90% with you. this acclamation will be actual in that it will be the aboriginal acclamation in history area all voters will be able to use, via our Voting Scorecard, to analyze their claimed voting almanac adjoin both presidential candidates (all actual candidates are Congressmen) to accomplish a absolute and cold voting accommodation for the appointment of the President of the United States of America.

Tampa, FL -- just launched as the alone website area all Americans can vote on any awaiting bill or resolution in Congress, ‘creating’ truer capitalism by acceptance all citizens to actually ‘vote’ on any area of legislation.

Americans can vote at any time on any bill, they are not angry to the audition or attic vote agenda of any bill. They can even vote bills that are already accessible law (see Voting Scorecard altercation below for rationale). could not be added accordant or useful: the amount bulletin Senator Obama was aggravating to acquaint April 6 in San Francisco, and currently accepting maligned by the added presidential candidates, is his acceptance Americans don’t feel like they are accepting listened to by adopted officials. will acutely change the dynamics of Congressmen and the President on how to vote for a aldermanic bill by abacus the aggregate citizen’s articulation to their voting consideration.

“The website provides the adeptness for Americans to participate in the aldermanic action of America daily, if desired, instead of already every 2 years at elections,” said Steve Thompson, architect and admiral of “When 200 actor Americans vote on a accurate bill, such as clearing or accepted bloom affliction coverage, adopted admiral will apperceive absolutely how the humans ambition them to vote.

“But I accept the icing on the block is the adeptness of every aborigine to analyze their adopted officials’ votes appropriate alongside their own. This advice will be invaluable for authoritative acclamation decisions,” Thompson said. This adequacy is now accepting added to the website and will be accessible afore the 2008 election.

“For example,” said Thompson, “if you acquisition your Representative, Senator or President voted adjoin your votes 90% of the time you are far added acceptable to vote adjoin him or her for re-election than if they had voted 90% with you.”

“In addition,” Thompson continued, “this acclamation will be actual in that it will be the aboriginal acclamation in history area all voters will be able to use, via our Voting Scorecard, to analyze their claimed voting almanac adjoin both presidential candidates (all actual candidates are Congressmen) to accomplish a absolute and cold voting accommodation for the appointment of the President of the United States of America.” Americans would ambition to annals and alpha voting in as anon as accessible to body the better and broadest set of votes for allegory afore the election. isn’t a government agency, it’s a clandestine company: Congress can’t block the site, can’t crop abroad its funding, and best of all, have to accede the articulation of all Americans on legislation.

Thompson is a adept who believes in democracy, abandon and the United States. He has been analytic for a way to apparatus truer capitalism in the United States but acknowledges the arrangement would never catechumen because a massive about-face of ability would breeze from appropriate absorption groups to all American citizens. Instead of giving up he took affairs into his own easily and complete acquaintance information
Name   Steve Thompson
Phone   254-541-5937
E-mail   steve.thompson(at)

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