Sunday, December 20, 2009 Reveals 'Optical Obama' - An Optical Illusion to Encourage Science, Art and Change for the Better

President-Elect Barack Obama appears in a new ablaze - as an optical apparition based on the art and science of afterimages. The Envisage Change aggregation created the angel as a allegory to advance altercation about means to spotlight science, art and the allowances of change in our lives.

Sunnyvale, CA -- The aggregation today appear an aesthetic optical apparition featuring President-Elect Barack Obama. Aiming to atom active altercation about the attributes and call of change in abounding aspects of our lives, the optical apparition is an apologue about the accent of demography action.
Optical Obama Artistic Optical Illusion
Samuel Berger, MD, architect of, commissioned an aboriginal angel advised to activate absorption in both science and the arts. Viewers beam at the white dot in the centermost of the angel for about 30 seconds, abutting their eyes and delay for the cursory afterimage of President-Elect Obama to appear.

An afterimage is artlessly a beheld angel that persists while the aboriginal angel is no best there. In this case, the afterimage is accepted as a abrogating afterimage back it reverses the colors in the aboriginal angel and allows admirers to see something that they did not apprehend was there.

According to Dr Berger, MD (who based the activity on his own award-winning science fair activity from over 40 years ago), afterimages represent metaphorically the abstraction that we can all change things depending on our perspective.

"I anticipation that this was a admirable metaphor, actually 'a account of change.' And it seemed to me that the best being to ally the art and science of this beheld change was Barack Obama, whose actual angel and bulletin actualize change. Yet what I created is about added than Obama. It's about the hopes my bearing had in the Sixties; the achievement that we could change the world, adapt the apple - and through change accomplish our planet a bigger place. As we access a new era, I achievement that anybody can brainstorm change." said Dr. Berger.

True to the admiration to abutting the ambit amid science and art, the Optical Obama optical apparition is aswell accessible for examination as a video clip, complete with balladry brace instructions and an aboriginal agreeable score.

About the EnvisageChange Team
We are a accumulation of never-grew-out-of-it thinkers, dreamers and association actioneers in our 40s and 50s. We're not apprenticed by political agendas but rather by the achievement that talking about change can advance to accomplishments and in actuality accompany it about.

We are an abnormal mix:

a medical doctor alive in rural, remote, under-served areas
a musician, artisan and clear artist
a business specialist advising baby businesses
a website artist and abstruse wizard

We're not analytic for glory. We're analytic for means to appoint in allusive discussions about how to accomplish activity better. In all kinds of ways, ample and small. For everyone.

For added advice contact:

Samuel Berger, MD
Sunnyvale, CA

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