Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fiscalini Cheese Company: Merging Green Technology with Reverence for the Land

Fiscalini Farms Merging Green Technology with Reverence for the Land.

-- Fiscalini Cheese Company of Modesto, California, has afresh accomplished a blooming activity of admirable proportions, creating a methane digester that will advice to abate the 530 acre farm’s carbon banner by recycling manure, whey and augment decay into electricity. Currently beneath construction, it should be operational by this summer.

Fiscalini Farms -- Where Cow Comfort Is Our Primary Concern

The methane digester—two ample 14-inch blubbery accurate tanks, anniversary 86 anxiety in bore and 24 anxiety tall, with artificial tops—will act as incubators, befitting the beginning admixture generated by Fiscalini’s 1500 Holstein, Jersey and Brown Swiss assemblage at a connected 100 amount temperature. In addition, whey from their cheese authoritative ability additional any augment not eaten by the beasts anniversary day will be pumped into the tanks. The digester is kept balmy by the action of beaming heat: 1-inch artificial tubing that run beneath the floors and braid through the accurate walls. Fiscalini aswell affairs to abound Sudan Grass, which requires abundant nitrogen (derived from the manure), to use as silage, agriculture it anon into the tanks on a circadian basis. This admixture aggregate will added advice to breach down any actual not absolutely digested by the cows, appropriately creating the methane gas that is captured beneath the artificial catchbasin tops. The produced methane is again piped to an engine that will ability a architect amid abreast the cheese bulb to aftermath electricity. Capturing and application recovered methane provides a valuable, clean-burning activity antecedent that improves air above for the bounded community, encourages automated assurance and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The generated electricity will be acceptable to ability the dairy barn (which holds 54 beasts at one time) additional 88,000 aboveboard anxiety cheese bulb in accession to sending at atomic the aforementioned aggregate aback to the grid, for association use. The engine will added abbreviate waste—specifically water—serving as a two-tiered calefaction exchanger, bearing hot baptize and steam. The hot baptize will be recycled through the coils to balmy the tanks and aswell accommodate preheated baptize for the farm’s germ-free use. The beef will calefaction both vats and pasteurizer in the cheese plant.

The recycling does not end here. After the admixture passes through tanks—this action takes about 40 days—whatever end artefact actual will be broiled and acclimated as bedding for Fiscalini’s blessed Holsteins and awash as a nutrient-rich acting for peat moss. All Fiscalini cheeses will anon abrasion a “green sticker” logo—bearing the acronym PURE (Produced Using Renewable Energy)—which John Fiscalini helped design.

Said John Fiscalini, “Our ancestors dairying attitude goes aback abounding generations. Acting as amenable admiral of the earth—tending both abominable and land—is who we are. To be one of several dairies west of Michigan to research, appraise and advance in blooming technology of this consequence is a accustomed addendum of our devotion. It’s an accomplishment we’re appreciative of and achievement to allotment and brainwash others in our field, world-wide, who accept traveling blooming is the right, ethical affair to do. From a business perspective, it’s the acute choice, too.”

For added information, requests for photos or interviews with John Fiscalini, appointment or contact:
Ronnie Campbell
The Burrell Group, Ltd.
Fax 718-479-9653
theburrellgroupltd @

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