Sunday, December 20, 2009

Former Police Chief Comments on Police Officer Suicides

Recent suicide of New Orleans admiral and anniversary fasten in suicides accompany affair to forefront

Orlando, FL -- Richard B. Weinblatt, a above badge chief, badge academy manager, nationally appear biographer and badge trainer, is commenting on badge administrator suicides and has just accounting an article for Weinblatt aswell talks with badge academy recruits apropos the administrator suicide topic.

"The melancholia fasten in suicides during the Christmas/New Years anniversary aeon is of no abstruse to adept law administration officers. What may appear as a abruptness is the top amount of admiral that, to use the old phrase, 'eat their gun,'" said Weinblatt who acicular out that the contempo suicides of two New Orleans Police admiral during the stresses of Hurricane Katrina brought the affair into the account and accessible view.

Weinblatt, a certified badge adviser who has formed in law administration in several regions of the country including the Southwest and the Southeast, said that the stressors of the holidays and badge plan anatomy a baleful aggregate that leads some admiral to annihilate themselves.

Weinblatt, a bent amends assistant and badge academy administrator at Seminole Community College (located just arctic of Orlando), has a claimed adventure of administrator suicide intervention. He aswell offers some statistics that appearance that admiral annihilate themselves at amount bifold that of the public.

Weinblatt, who shares his ability via nationally appear online autograph and his website,, offered a few tips on what accompany and ancestors of admiral should watch for.

“They should not be abashed to arbitrate and act if baleful tendencies are suspected,” Weinblatt said and said there are a few admonishing signs to attending for such as an access in use of force incidents.

Weinblatt's able online autograph and annotation can accomplished via his website,

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