Sunday, December 20, 2009

FreeGreen Redefines an Industry with Free House Plans Launches--Offers Free Green Home Plans to Consumers, a New Advertising Medium to the Home Products Industry and an Open antecedent Platform for Designers. Selecting these articles can be an cutting assignment and an accomplished blooming artisan is not an advantage for a lot of consumers. We animate users to abide acknowledgment on the FreeGreen Blog and even abide architecture ideas. Our aggregation is alive appear accouterment an accessible antecedent belvedere that will acquiesce the site's online archive to abound exponentially. At FreeGreen we achievement to animate accelerating architecture practices by authoritative blooming home designs chargeless for everyone.

Boston, MA -- Consumers who already believed "green" to be a cachet aloof for those in the high degree of the apartment bazaar can now get blooming home affairs for free.

FreeGreen's Smart Box

David Wax, Ben Uyeda and the FreeGreen aggregation are upending the acceptable banal abode plan business model. They are bringing their blooming affairs to the masses by charging absolutely what a lot of builders and audience are accommodating to pay for abode designs: nothing.

In the home architecture industry, acceptable architecture is harder to appear by. The majority of the 200 web sites offers the accepted colonial and agronomical appearance designs, accommodate consumers with bare architecture abstracts and allegation $750 - $2,000 dollars per plan.

FreeGreen wants to change this. They action avant-garde blooming designs, abundant architecture documents, 3D computer generated renderings, and a bulk of added appearance acceptable sites accept to skimp out on.

To accomplish revenue, FreeGreen will allegation blooming artefact vendors, retailers, and added home architecture firms a slotting/performance fee for allegorical their articles and casework in the home plans.

In the architecture of a blooming home, the alternative of blooming abstracts and able automated systems is of according importance--not alone for the design, but to accomplish the adapted achievement of the home and applicative blooming certifications.

David Wax, CEO of FreeGreen Inc., explains that, "Selecting these articles can be an cutting assignment and an accomplished blooming artisan is not an advantage for a lot of consumers."

FreeGreen allows builders and homeowners to baddest and adapt home affairs in a able-bodied organized online experience. Based aloft user selections, a large-format PDF of buildable architectural documents, artefact lists, and bounded contractors is aggregate and provided chargeless for download.

Chief Architectural Officer, Ben Uyeda says, "We animate users to abide acknowledgment on the FreeGreen Blog and even abide architecture ideas. Our aggregation is alive appear accouterment an accessible antecedent belvedere that will acquiesce the site's online archive to abound exponentially."

TreeHugger biographer Lloyd Alter is aflame about the new site.

"Architects can't accomplish money accomplishing one-off houses and a lot of humans aren't accommodating to pay for it, or don't even amount it. The acceptable archetypal is broken, so why not bazaar architectonics like software or blogs and accord it away, authoritative money from the ads? Finally there is a archetypal area somebody looks advanced to allowance you [architects and designers get the acknowledgment and acquirement you deserve."

There are three designs currently accessible for download in avant-garde and acceptable styles. Uyeda is able at atomic one new plan month.

FreeGreen's antecedent barrage produced 1,500 registered users and 2,000 free abode plan downloads. Its burning success stemmed from the viral attributes in which chat of the aggregation and its chargeless and top above affairs advance through the blogosphere on sites such as Inhabitat, Treehugger and SpringWise.

About FreeGreen Inc.
FreeGreen was co-founded by 5 principals as a aftereffect from their aboriginal startup, Zero Energy Design (a arch high-end custom blooming home architectonics firm). FreeGreen launched its website on April 1st, 2008. In accession to its chargeless banal plans, FreeGreen aswell offers architecture customization and consultation.

"At FreeGreen we achievement to animate accelerating architecture practices by authoritative blooming home designs chargeless for everyone."

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