Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gas Prices Force Americans to Push for Ethanol Fuel

Survey Finds Motorists Want Less Costly Alternatives.

Omaha, NE -- A contempo civic analysis commissioned by Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC) shows the skyrocketing amount of gasoline is banishment American motorists to amend their active habits and choices at the pump. The amount of summer driving, with oil prices advancing $140 a barrel, has become an accretion banking accountability for abounding American consumers.

Motorists are balked and affronted about top gas prices. Everyone is activity the compression at the pump, which absolutely underscores our charge for biofuels As gas prices abide to skyrocket, we have to abide the advance for the alone accepted busline activity advantage we accept today--biofuels. Motorists above the country are extensive their breaking point Rising ammunition costs are impacting the abridgement above the board. Cost-effective renewable alternatives have to be a allotment of our country's abiding activity plan. The EPIC survey begin 47 percent of those polled declared that a ammunition amount below $5 a gallon should be the point area deposit fuels are no best our primary ammunition sources. An added 27 percent of those polled appear that the analytical amount point lies amid $5 and $5.99. America is accepting abutting to the break-point as Sunday, the civic boilerplate of a gallon of gasoline rose to $4.005, 90 cents college than a year ago, according to AAA.

"Motorists are balked and affronted about top gas prices. Everyone is activity the compression at the pump, which absolutely underscores our charge for biofuels," said Toni Nuernberg, controlling administrator of EPIC. "As gas prices abide to skyrocket, we have to abide the advance for the alone accepted busline activity advantage we accept today--biofuels."

Even in the face of abundant criticism from anti-ethanol groups and confused accusation for ascent aliment prices, the booze ammunition industry continues to advice accumulate ammunition prices below the even-more absonant prices consumers would pay after the availability of booze fuel.

According to abstracts from Iowa State University, aggregate gasoline with booze has kept ammunition prices $0.29 - 0.40 lower per gallon than they would accept been otherwise. In the Midwest, the accumulation are the greatest, with ammunition prices suppressed by as abundant as $0.39 per gallon due to booze ammunition blending.

The analysis begin that 42 percent of those polled said they were arresting with ascent gas prices by active less, but 15 percent appear there was annihilation they could do to cut aback on the accretion amount of driving.

"Motorists above the country are extensive their breaking point," said Nuernberg. "Rising ammunition costs are impacting the abridgement above the board. Cost-effective renewable alternatives have to be a allotment of our country's abiding activity plan."

Survey Methodology:
Online analysis of a absolute 1,004 completed surveys from Luth Research's SurveySavvy online analysis panel. Survey fielding dates were April 24, 2008 through April 30, 2008. To apprentice added about the research, appointment

About EPIC:
The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council is an accord of booze producers and industry leaders who accept appear calm to advance the chat about the allowances of booze through advice and promotional programs. EPIC is a nonprofit alignment and is overseen by an 11 affiliate axle of directors. Visit for added advice about EPIC.

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