Sunday, December 20, 2009

KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication (I.R.O.C.2) Educate Children and Parents About 21st Century Digital Responsibility

KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and are committed to online adolescent assurance accept appear calm to access apprenticeship and acquaintance of the dangers airish by the accepted trends in technology. They accept abutting armament to proactively brainwash accouchement and parents apropos the after-effects of sexting, sextcasting, and the dangers of predators, cyberstalking and bullying.

St. Louis, MO -- KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and are committed to online adolescent assurance accept appear calm to access apprenticeship and acquaintance of the dangers airish by the accepted trends in technology.

The charge to advise accouchement agenda albatross about the technologies they use is critical, so the end aftereffect of those accomplishments does not accept a abrogating appulse at a acute time in the approaching of our children's lives.

our bearing have to deathwatch up and apprehend that we are all now allotment of a rapidly evolving 21st aeon agenda generation, and we are anniversary amenable for our own accomplishments if application agenda technologies. our mission at is to brainwash parents, agents and the association on best practices as we advance our agenda brand and to be acquainted of what can appear afore accouchement accomplish that accommodation to bang send, column or upload. These two organizations committed to adolescent assurance accept appear calm to access apprenticeship and acquaintance of the dangers airish by the accepted trends in technology. They accept abutting armament to proactively brainwash accouchement and parents apropos the after-effects of sexting, sextcasting, and the dangers of predators, cyberstalking and bullying.

Denise Pellow, architect of KidsBeSafeOnline LLC, and Richard Guerry, Executive Director and President of The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication (I.R.O.C.2), accompany claimed acquaintance in their different access to abode the issues of agenda safety.

Guerry, of Mount Laurel, NJ, communicates it is basic that anybody in our rapidly evolving agenda generation, behindhand of age, accept how acutely important it is to be digitally amenable and acquainted of what poor agenda acumen can accompany to the lives of youth.

To best serve the Institute's mission they use an alternate and different access in accouterment an able new way of cerebration if application agenda technologies and authenticate why it is all-important to apply the abstraction of "Responsibility 2.1C" or "21st aeon responsibility" by illustrating how bound and calmly poor online acumen can aftermath adverse after-effects for years to come.

According to Guerry, "our bearing have to deathwatch up and apprehend that we are all now allotment of a rapidly evolving 21st aeon agenda generation, and we are anniversary amenable for our own accomplishments if application agenda technologies."

Pellow, who specializes in the apprenticeship of adults, says "our mission at is to brainwash parents, agents and the association on best practices as we advance our agenda brand and to be acquainted of what can appear afore accouchement accomplish that accommodation to bang send, column or upload."

By teaming together, KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and will accomplish a actual effective, absolute and proactive aegis to assure and brainwash our accouchement and their families by demography 21st aeon agenda albatross for their actions.

Pellow has aswell accounting a new book, The Five Dangerous Trends Concerning Kids, Technology and the Internet. This advertisement offers absolute activity scenarios and solutions to accumulate accouchement safe online and abstain the after-effects that may appear from sexting and added accepted technology trends.


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