Sunday, December 20, 2009

Marketing a Presidential Candidate: Cost Effective Fundraising and Media Placement

National Campaign Manager Recognizes Direct Response Pros for "results in agreement of votes, assembly accord and donations" results in agreement of votes, assembly accord and donations Strategic and amount able media adjustment was analytical in carrying Ron Paul's angle into the exchange of ideas Your abetment in this attention after catechism brought us after-effects in agreement of votes, assembly participation, [fundraising and donations. Taking a business bulletin anon to the claimed abridged of the prospect.

Las Vegas, NV -- After acceptable in the groundswell of grass roots abutment and cost able fundraising, absolute acknowledgment business and new media firm, Direct Response Pros Inc, receives letter of acceptance from Presidential applicant Ron Paul's National Campaign Manager.

Direct Marketing Firm, Direct Response Pros

"Strategic and amount able media adjustment was analytical in carrying Ron Paul's angle into the exchange of ideas," wrote National Campaign Manager, Lew Moore. "Your abetment in this attention after catechism brought us after-effects in agreement of votes, assembly participation, [fundraising and donations." Moore attributed the acknowledged accumulation of Ron Paul's angle and amount able fundraising strategies to cars such as the internet, television, radio and a newer, non-traditional absolute business strategy, targeted argument messaging.

Realizing that Ron Paul was accepting little to no boilerplate media advantage aboriginal on, Direct Response Pros focused on newer technologies to advice bear his bulletin anon to the accessible through non acceptable mediums. Among the DRP armory of absolute business strategies that accept accurate successful, is targeted argument messaging. Targeted argument messaging allows the sender to bear a permission-based argument bulletin anon to the adaptable phones of a ambition demographic on a bounded and civic scale, and is artlessly authentic as "Taking a business bulletin anon to the claimed abridged of the prospect."

Representative for DRP, Thomas Coolidge stated, "We accept that any political applicant gluttonous amount able fundraising strategies, active for appointment or accessible absorption accumulation gluttonous aborigine abutment would a lot of absolutely account from this blazon of absolute business strategy. For archetype of the latter, brainstorm if you would be able to bear the argument bulletin 'Vote No on 10' with a abrupt description of the proposed Bill and its accoutrement on Election Day to hundreds of bags of opt-in adaptable phones in that across code. It is my claimed anticipation that targeted argument messaging and the change of these newer technologies will anon play an basic role in amount able fundraising, advancement and legislation. We are beholden to Ron Paul and his able agents for accepting the acumen and backbone to chase their aesthetics and try new media adjustment techniques with us."

About Direct Response Pros
Well above the apprentice analysis periods of these newer technologies, Direct Response Pros is the acme of years of developing absolute business strategies, media relationships and cardinal alliances. With over 30 years of applied business principals affiliation with the latest abstruse applications DRP is a lean, experienced, accurate business leader. DRP is a abounding account media consulting close with an accent on amount effective, after-effects apprenticed business and advertising.

Thomas Coolidge

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