Sunday, December 20, 2009

Predict Human Behavior and the Future with Compelling “Impact Theory”

Intention leads to a accountable controlling action enabling one to accurately adumbrate animal actions.

St. Charles, Mo. -- The aftereffect of what has happened to flesh throughout history and the accepted bearings throughout the apple is abundantly traceable to what humans do and accept done. If this is true, that agency our approaching and our children’s approaching will be anon the aftereffect of what we are accomplishing now. Could there be a way to accurately adumbrate the approaching by artlessly applying a aboveboard algebraic theory?

This is absolutely the questioned asked by columnist Jack H. Jones through advance appearance John Thomas in his new absorbing novel, “Impact With Intent” (ISBN 1420862197). “It’s a adventure about a actual ablaze adolescent man, a scientist, who has a active concern about how things plan and the accuracy abaft why things in the apple are as they are. He comes to accept that appealing abundant aggregate is traceable to animal accomplishments and fundamentally to the way bodies accomplish decisions. As a result, he studies, and again develops a algebraic archetypal of the animal controlling process. He calls it his “Intent Theory” because all of our accomplishments alpha with the “intent” to do something,” explains Jones.

The blueprint is – Human Intent – Leads to –Action Decision – Modified by – Influencing Factors – Equals – Action Results. Jones added explains “Basically the blueprint does represent the analytic accomplish we go through afore we crop an action. Also, it says we are what we in actuality do. What we intend to do alone starts the process.”

Most of the book is about the efforts of John Thomas to prove that his approach is actual by application it to adumbrate approaching contest that will aftereffect from accepted decisions. “In the beggarly time activity happens, and he deals with a array of situations and relationships while he pursues his goal. Many of his challenges don’t accept annihilation to do with his talents or goals, but rather the day to day bullwork of affair claimed needs and ambidextrous with the apple about him,” adds Jones. Thomas’ aberrant intelligence provides him with the active concern to accept the accurate attributes of things. This accumulated with a acceptance that there is a moral ambit to animal behavior that doesn’t abide with any added activity anatomy leads John to added abstraction “why humans do what they do, and why we don’t do better,” explains Jones.

Jones alludes, “One affair I anticipate all writers ambition for their readers is that they are entertained by their book and encouraged to apprehend more. On top of that I do achievement that readers of ‘Impact with Intent’ get a message, by example, from the book that makes them better, or smarter, or added informed, or at atomic added anxious than they were afore they apprehend it.” While adequate a activity of seeing human-kind’s adeptness to actualize and adore admirable and advantageous things, Jones sees a black trend area the heroes in books and movies are dressed in atramentous and accomplish afflatus through a Colt-45 automated pistol. The hero in “Impact with Intent” uses his accustomed ability to appropriate the wrongs of the apple guided by his academician rather than his brawn.

Jack H. Jones has been adored with an absorbing alive activity starting with a Physics amount from the University of Missouri. That was followed by a blaster year career in Information Systems and Computers with Fortune 500 companies including McDonnell Douglas and IBM. During that time the amusement of autograph was bound to technology online autograph for industry journals. He currently resides in St. Charles, MO. “Impact with Intent” can be purchased at any online bookstore or on the author’s website


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