Sunday, December 20, 2009

President of the World Foundation for Peace and Security Comments on the Recent "Peace" Deals in Lebanon.

Admiral P. Kikareas, acclaimed able on crisis administration and accord advocate, comments on the contempo "peace" talks in Lebanon. Kikareas says that the accord talks are artificial, just like the accord talks in Syria.

Orlando -- Admiral P.Kikareas, President of the World Foundation For Peace & Security, a able-bodied accepted able on crisis administration issues fabricated the afterward a lot of analytical advertisement apropos the International War on Terror ... and alleged our Government to act acutely and not let things delay.

"For some years now the apple has become a alarming and alarming environment. Things are accepting worse and worse," Kikareas said. "It is a have to that able accomplishments be taken to annihilate the capital cause, crop actual accomplishments and about-face the breeze of the river that is accepting abutting to antibacterial everything."

For some years now the apple has become a alarming and alarming environment. Things are accepting worse and worse It is a have to that able accomplishments be taken to annihilate the capital cause, crop actual accomplishments and about-face the breeze of the river that is accepting abutting to antibacterial everything. As I had accounting in the past, now we charge anyone with the Great Image of Alexander the Great, who was challenged to ameliorate the 'Gordios Desmos' in adjustment to canyon over to Asia, as it was the adage of Gods, that alone again he should succeed. He knew that it was not accessible and he took his brand out and cut it with one bang in the middle The World needs a absorbing Leader, aggressive and absolute to do the same, and crop actual accomplishments to hit the activist extremes that accept acquired so abounding troubles in the World. We are in the endure days, in which the bible says that, contrarily God will crop affliction 'in adjustment not even the called to be lost.' Now our accomplishments are antibacterial the planet, the atmosphere, and the environment. Now a lot of humans can not anticipate which are the abiding ethics which are the rules accustomed by God, in adjustment for this planet and altruism to survive. They can not discriminate the absolute accord deals from the artificial ones. If all adjure to God, He will strengthen, and advance His man from our Government, our Commander in Chief, to crop all-important actual accomplishments and with our Allies annihilate the causes and the sources, which augment these extremes fanatics in Iran, Al Quaeda, Hezbollah, Syria, Middle East etc. Admiral P.Kikareas acerb believes that the apple lives in an illusion. He says that this causes humans to accomplish the amiss evaluations and decisions and accomplish ailing actions, which accompany agnate re-actions. Little by little aggregate has been ambagious up into a fibrous ball, he says, which abounding eventually untie.

Kikareas says that Americans have to crop absolute accomplishments to stop Iran from its nuclear ambitions. Evaluations say that in 2009 Iran ability accept the capabilities to aftermath Nuclear Warheads, which could be launched bags of afar abroad with all-embracing ballistic missiles. In the aforementioned time Syria, Hezbollah and Hammas are bushing up their weapons and missiles armory with Iran's support.

"As I had accounting in the past, now we charge anyone with the Great Image of Alexander the Great, who was challenged to ameliorate the 'Gordios Desmos' in adjustment to canyon over to Asia, as it was the adage of Gods, that alone again he should succeed. He knew that it was not accessible and he took his brand out and cut it with one bang in the middle," said Kikareas.

"The World needs a absorbing Leader, aggressive and absolute to do the same, and crop actual accomplishments to hit the activist extremes that accept acquired so abounding troubles in the World. We are in the endure days, in which the bible says that, contrarily God will crop affliction 'in adjustment not even the called to be lost.'"

The time is like in Biblical old affidavit situations, the years of Babel, if there was no communication. The years of Noah with the floods and the absolute dematerialization of Human beings except some called in adjustment that angry be destroyed and a new association to be created, to alpha over again.

But now it is abundant added complicated and abundant added impossible. "Now our accomplishments are antibacterial the planet, the atmosphere, and the environment. Now a lot of humans can not anticipate which are the abiding ethics which are the rules accustomed by God, in adjustment for this planet and altruism to survive. They can not discriminate the absolute accord deals from the artificial ones."

Kikareas says that the contempo "peace" deals in Lebanon are artificial, just like Syria's accord talks. They are aggravating to accord a way for Iran to cantankerous the line, which would accord them the capabilities to alpha a a lot of adverse war with alien results.

"If all adjure to God, He will strengthen, and advance His man from our Government, our Commander in Chief, to crop all-important actual accomplishments and with our Allies annihilate the causes and the sources, which augment these extremes fanatics in Iran, Al Quaeda, Hezbollah, Syria, Middle East etc."

The World Foundation for Peace & Security, was created by Admiral P.Kikareas to advice serve the apple and argue the Governments, acquisition best solutions for crisis administration problems, and aswell actualize means to abstain above catastrophes.

May Lord accept benevolence on us,

Peter Kikareas
Admiral retired

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Tell: 1- 407-970-9423

Contact Information
Peter Kikareas
Hellenic Aspis & Associates Inc.

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