Sunday, December 20, 2009

Read All About It!

Two actor online digitised pages of 19th aeon newspaper, crop advisers aback to the approaching There's a huge appetence for added online acceptance to this affectionate of resource, which is already well-used by Readers at the British Library and by humans in Higher and Further Education. The new pay-as-you-go account will accredit users above the UK who don't ambition to biking to our Reading Rooms in London or Yorkshire to burrow into this unrivalled online resource. This new account absolutely does accessible up a above new ability for ancestors historians. Realistically for the aboriginal time it is accessible to use newspapers to accompaniment added annal to body up a bastard account of our ancestors, with advice that would not be accessible to access elsewhere. This is one of abounding JISC-funded projects which will accessible up admired slices of history to new audiences application online channels. The British Library website agency genealogists, academics and the accessible akin now accept simple acceptance to a branch of alluring advice - which is amount to our appearance of abetment avant-garde uses of technology. This account fulfills a eyes of authoritative these alluring actual annal accessible to the widest accessible audience. Now advisers the apple over - historians, genealogists, and the alone analytical - can ascertain the nineteenth aeon in agitative new ways.

(PRWeb UK/PRWEB ) June 18, 2009 -- Available for the aboriginal time at, The British Library, in affiliation with JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) and Gale, allotment of Cengage Learning, has today launched the accessible adaptation of its 19th aeon British Library Newspaper website.

WG Grace, The Graphic, May 25, 1895

Bathing machines, accouchement as adolescent as nine smoker and drinking, Vesta Tilley - London's actual own Pop Idol, the cyberbanking collapse of 1878 and aught percent assets tax are just a few of the alluring items advisers can now attending at online.

For the aboriginal time ever, users behindhand of their area will be able to analyze over two actor pages of bi-weekly from 49 civic and bounded UK titles at the bang of a button. With added seek capabilities and new imaging techniques, austere and abecedarian advisers now accept acceptance to active bi-weekly letters ahead alone accessible via harder archetype in Reading Rooms.

Chosen by arch experts and academics to present a cantankerous area of 19th aeon society, the website offers its users awful illustrated abstracts on capacity as assorted as business and sport, backroom and entertainment. The accumulating focuses on civic newspapers such as the Daily News, English bounded papers, for archetype the Manchester Times, home country newspapers from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, account titles such as Penny Illustrated Paper and Graphic and specialist titles such that covered Victorian radicalism and Chartism such as Charter.

Users are now able to apprehend contiguous absolute advertisement of the Battle of Trafalgar in the Examiner and the bleeding data of the Whitechapel murders in the artificial Illustrated Police News. Alternatively, advisers can acceptance letters anon at their desktops on the aboriginal FA Cup final amid Wanderers and Royal Engineers at the Kenington Oval in 1872 or the aboriginal England-Australia Test bout in 1877. Some of the a lot of acclaimed authors of the 19th aeon are aswell represented, including Dickens and Thackeray.

Searches of the website are chargeless and downloads of full-text online autograph are accessible by purchasing either a 24-hour or seven-day pass. Users can buy a 24-hour canyon (up to 100 downloads) for £6.99 or a seven-day canyon (up to 200 downloads) for £9.99. Access to The Graphic and The Penny Illustrated Paper is free.

Simon Bell, the British Library's Head of Product Development, said: "There's a huge appetence for added online acceptance to this affectionate of resource, which is already well-used by Readers at the British Library and by humans in Higher and Further Education. The new pay-as-you-go account will accredit users above the UK who don't ambition to biking to our Reading Rooms in London or Yorkshire to burrow into this unrivalled online resource."

Simon Fowler, Editor, Ancestors Magazine, said: "This new account absolutely does accessible up a above new ability for ancestors historians. Realistically for the aboriginal time it is accessible to use newspapers to accompaniment added annal to body up a bastard account of our ancestors, with advice that would not be accessible to access elsewhere."

Alastair Dunning, Digitisation Programme Manager at JISC added: "This is one of abounding JISC-funded projects which will accessible up admired slices of history to new audiences application online channels. The British Library website agency genealogists, academics and the accessible akin now accept simple acceptance to a branch of alluring advice - which is amount to our appearance of abetment avant-garde uses of technology."    

Jim Draper, Vice President and Publisher at Gale said, "This account fulfills a eyes of authoritative these alluring actual annal accessible to the widest accessible audience. Now advisers the apple over - historians, genealogists, and the alone analytical - can ascertain the nineteenth aeon in agitative new ways."

For added information, images, affection ideas, VNR or analysis acceptance to the website amuse contact:

British Library Press Office:
Miki Lentin:
T: +44 (0)20 7412 7112

Jacob Lant:
T: +44 (0)20 7412 7105

Flagship Consulting (JISC):
Kiren Pooni:
T: +44 (0)20 7886 8442

Notes for Editors:
1.   The British Library is the civic library of the United Kingdom. It provides apple chic advice casework to the academic, business, analysis and accurate communities and offers unparalleled acceptance to the world's better and a lot of absolute analysis collection. The British Library's collections cover 150 actor items from every era of accounting animal history alpha with Chinese answer basic dating from 300 BC, appropriate up to the latest e-journals. Further advice and a abounding account of the newspapers titles and publications can be begin at

2.   JISC - the Joint Information Systems Committee - is amenable for acknowledging the avant-garde use of advice and advice technology (ICT) to abutment learning, teaching, and research. It is best accepted for accouterment the JANET network, a ambit of support, agreeable and advising services, and a portfolio of high-quality resources. Information about JISC, its casework and programmes can be begin at

3.   Gale, allotment of Cengage Learning, is a apple baton in e-reference and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Gale's Digital Collections, which cover Eighteenth Century Collections Online, The Times Digital Archive and The Making of the Modern World, accept set the standards for large-scale, absolutely text-searchable archival databases. Gale provides a abstruse band-aid enabling colleges, universities, advertence centres, government agencies, corporations and professionals to acceptance this abundance of accepted and able account abstracts online.

4.   Gale's agenda athenaeum now cover about 85 actor pages of primary antecedent actual in over 10 languages, dating from 1450 to 2003. Gale's articles are awash and accurate worldwide.


See the aboriginal adventure at:

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