Secure Elements Demonstrates Leadership Commitment to Reducing the Carbon Footprint of the Computing Industry through Standards Based Software Innovation and Providing Industry Support to Address Larger Global Environmental Issues
Herndon, VA -- Secure Elements (, an industry baton in standards-based IT analysis and acquiescence management, today appear that the aggregation has appear a new adaptation of the C5 Compliance Platform able of auditing and managing EPA ENERGY STAR settings for Windows XP and Vista for Desktop and Laptop configurations connected with the NIST Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). The C5 Compliance Platform is currently acclimated by the Presidential Management Agenda (PMA) Scorecard Agencies for advertisement their FDCC Security Settings to OMB. These agencies are now able to use C5 to analysis and administer their ability accumulation settings aural the aforementioned acquiescence solution, thereby acknowledging with Executive Order 13423, which requires federal agencies to activate ENERGY STAR "sleep" appearance on computers and monitors.
"Auditing for 'Green IT' settings, interrogating a systems ability administration controls, and utilizing NIST SCAP technologies authenticate the account of agreement altitude standards above aegis automation and FISMA/FDCC compliance", said Andrew Bove, the Chief Technology Officer for Secure Elements. "Our barter accept that an accessible standards-based platform, for acknowledging and managing all agreement accompanying mandates, is the a lot of amount able adjustment for managing acquiescence with all agreement accompanying mandates."
Auditing for 'Green IT' settings, interrogating a systems ability administration controls, and utilizing NIST SCAP technologies authenticate the account of agreement altitude standards above aegis automation and FISMA/FDCC compliance Our barter accept that an accessible standards-based platform, for acknowledging and managing all agreement accompanying mandates, is the a lot of amount able adjustment for managing acquiescence with all agreement accompanying mandates. Industry and EPA studies appraisal accumulation of up to $75 per PC annually, provided basal methods and technologies/tools are implemented to analysis and administer these settings Now, our barter can amuse their FDCC and FISMA requirements and accede with EO 13423 by managing their ENERGY STAR ability extenuative settings with the C5 Compliance Platform Key appearance included are:
*Enterprise-wide Security Posture Dashboards & Reports with accident indices for;
- Configuration Compliance Scores Vulnerability Scores Patch Score Authorized Software Compliance Scores
*Enterprise-wide ENERGY STAR Scanning capabilities for XP and Vista
- Microsoft XP scanning for desktops and laptops for added than 9 settings Microsoft VISTA scanning for desktops and laptops for added than 27 settings
"Industry and EPA studies appraisal accumulation of up to $75 per PC annually, provided basal methods and technologies/tools are implemented to analysis and administer these settings," said Scott Armstrong, the VP of Marketing and Alliances for Secure Elements. "Now, our barter can amuse their FDCC and FISMA requirements and accede with EO 13423 by managing their ENERGY STAR ability extenuative settings with the C5 Compliance Platform".
About Secure Elements
Secure Elements ( develops avant-garde articles that advice organizations accomplish IT aegis compliance. We accredit organizations to audit, evaluate, and accede with internal, industry, and authoritative policies. Our solutions abate business accident and IT administration costs while convalescent systems achievement and advancement business continuity. Based in Northern Virginia, Secure Elements serves organizations in the federal government and analytical basement markets, as able-bodied as the Global 1000.
Contact: Piper Conrad
On Behalf of Secure Elements
Phone: (703) 287-7820
E-mail: pconrad @
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