Sunday, December 20, 2009

Specially Selected Featured Video of The Master Teacher of A Course In Miracles Now Fully Downloadable

For the aboriginal time on a distinctively called featured video of the Master Teacher of A Course In Miracles is now absolutely downloadable by website associates and non associates alike. In acknowledgment to cutting appeal for absolutely downloadable videos of the Master Teacher, website administrator, John Gaffney today launched a account appearance program, alms a new appellation anniversary anniversary for actual download. I Am The One Self United With My Creator celebration of the accession of the Teachers of God Today we will be animated you cannot prove it. For if you could, you would always seek conservancy area it is not, and never acquisition it. The abstraction for today tells you already afresh how simple is salvation. Look for it area it waits for you, and there it will be found. Look boilerplate else, for it is boilerplate else. It is aberration that thinks these things. You alarm them laws, and put them beneath altered names in a continued archive of rituals that accept no use and serve no purpose. You anticipate you have to obey the of medicine, of economics and of health. Protect the body, and you will be saved. These are not laws, but madness. The anatomy is endangered by the apperception that hurts itself. The anatomy suffers just in adjustment that the apperception will abort to see it is the victim of itself. The body's adversity is a affectation the apperception holds up to adumbrate what absolutely suffers. It would not accept it is its own enemy; that it attacks itself and wants to die. It is from this your would save the body. It is for this you anticipate you are a body. There are no laws except the laws of God. This needs repeating, over and over, until you apprehend it applies to aggregate that you accept fabricated in action to God's Will. Your abracadabra has no meaning. What it is meant to save does not exist. Only what it is meant to adumbrate will save you. The laws of God can never be replaced. We will allot today to amusement that this is so. It is no best a accuracy that we would hide. We apprehend instead it is a accuracy that keeps us chargeless forever. Magic imprisons, but the laws of God accomplish free. The ablaze has appear because there are no laws but His. We will activate the best convenance periods today with a abbreviate analysis of the altered kinds of we accept believed we have to obey. These would include, for example, the of nutrition, of immunization, of medication, and of the body's aegis in innumerable ways. Think further; you accept in the relationships and reciprocity. Perhaps you even anticipate that there are laws which set alternating what is God's and what is yours. Many accept been based on this. They would not save but abuse in Heaven's name. Yet they are no added aberrant than added you authority have to be obeyed to accomplish you safe. Hear Him Who tells you this, and apprehend how absurd are the you anticipation upheld the apple you anticipation you saw. Then accept further. He will acquaint you more. About the Love your Father has for you. About the amaranthine joy He offers you. About His admiring for His alone Son, created as His approach for creation; denied to Him by his acceptance in hell.

(Vocus/PRWEB ) August 12, 2009 -- For the aboriginal time on Master Teacher of A Course In Miracles is now absolutely downloadable by website associates and non associates alike. In acknowledgment to cutting appeal for absolutely downloadable videos of the Master Teacher, website administrator, John Gaffney today launched a account appearance program, alms a new appellation anniversary anniversary for actual download.

A Course In Miracles

This week's selection, advantaged "I Am The One Self United With My Creator", is a "celebration of the accession of the Teachers of God", in which the Master Teacher demonstrates his ability of our one Self, in an incomparable announcement of acquaint 182, 95,75 and 76 of the workbook of A Course In Miracles.

The Master Teacher, in a absolute claimed battle with every affiliate of the animal species, authoritatively asserts Jesus Christ's absolute acknowledgment in Lesson 76, that we are beneath no laws but God's. In that lesson, Jesus states, "We accept empiric afore how abounding absurd things accept seemed to you to be salvation. Each has confined you with laws as absurd as itself. You are not apprenticed by them. Yet to accept that this is so, you have to aboriginal apprehend salvation lies not there. While you would seek for it in things that accept no meaning, you bind yourself to laws that accomplish no sense. Thus do you seek to prove conservancy is area it is not."

"Today we will be animated you cannot prove it. For if you could, you would always seek conservancy area it is not, and never acquisition it. The abstraction for today tells you already afresh how simple is salvation. Look for it area it waits for you, and there it will be found. Look boilerplate else, for it is boilerplate else."

"Think of the freedom in the acceptance that you are not apprenticed by all the aberrant and askance laws you accept set up to save you. You absolutely anticipate that you would abjure unless you accept endless of blooming cardboard strips and bags of metal discs. You absolutely anticipate a baby annular pellet or some aqueous pushed into your veins through a acicular aggravate will area off ache and death. You absolutely anticipate you are abandoned unless addition anatomy is with you."

"It is aberration that thinks these things. You alarm them laws, and put them beneath altered names in a continued archive of rituals that accept no use and serve no purpose. You anticipate you have to obey the "laws" of medicine, of economics and of health. Protect the body, and you will be saved."

"These are not laws, but madness. The anatomy is endangered by the apperception that hurts itself. The anatomy suffers just in adjustment that the apperception will abort to see it is the victim of itself. The body's adversity is a affectation the apperception holds up to adumbrate what absolutely suffers. It would not accept it is its own enemy; that it attacks itself and wants to die. It is from this your "laws" would save the body. It is for this you anticipate you are a body."

"There are no laws except the laws of God. This needs repeating, over and over, until you apprehend it applies to aggregate that you accept fabricated in action to God's Will. Your abracadabra has no meaning. What it is meant to save does not exist. Only what it is meant to adumbrate will save you."

"The laws of God can never be replaced. We will allot today to amusement that this is so. It is no best a accuracy that we would hide. We apprehend instead it is a accuracy that keeps us chargeless forever. Magic imprisons, but the laws of God accomplish free. The ablaze has appear because there are no laws but His."

"We will activate the best convenance periods today with a abbreviate analysis of the altered kinds of "laws" we accept believed we have to obey. These would include, for example, the "laws" of nutrition, of immunization, of medication, and of the body's aegis in innumerable ways. Think further; you accept in the "laws" of friendship, of "good" relationships and reciprocity. Perhaps you even anticipate that there are laws which set alternating what is God's and what is yours. Many "religions" accept been based on this. They would not save but abuse in Heaven's name. Yet they are no added aberrant than added "laws" you authority have to be obeyed to accomplish you safe."

"There are no laws but God's. Dismiss all absurd bewitched behavior today, and authority your apperception in bashful address to apprehend the Voice That speaks the accuracy to you. You will be alert to One Who says there is no accident beneath the laws of God. Payment is neither accustomed nor received. Exchange cannot be made; there are no substitutes; and annihilation is replaced by something else. God's laws always accord and never take."

"Hear Him Who tells you this, and apprehend how absurd are the "laws" you anticipation upheld the apple you anticipation you saw. Then accept further. He will acquaint you more. About the Love your Father has for you. About the amaranthine joy He offers you. About His admiring for His alone Son, created as His approach for creation; denied to Him by his acceptance in hell."

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