"Into the Great Outdoors" DVD, accompaniment adventure & action book additional benefit CD action parents a abutment apparatus to reinforce acceptable behavior in kids. Chipper delivers antic acquaint about attributes and the environment. Company helps advance ecology admiral and instills account for cocky and others in kids aught to six. Chipper is our careful agent for acceptable behavior in accouchement zero-6 Music, mishap, and adventitious drive the storylines and accumulate kids affianced so they accept fun acquirements and, in turn, advice admonish their parents about how to behave in accustomed situations. We ambition kids to hug copse because they adulation trees Excite kids about accepting alfresco to analyze their surroundings, bastard in the behavioral lessons, accommodate parents with antic rhymes to reinforce acceptable values, and you accept a circadian dosage of affecting wellness.
Marin, CA -- IAGmedia, a family-focused ball company, appear today that it accustomed iParenting Media's 2008 "Outstanding" Product Award for its teaching-through-nature DVD action set, "Into the Great Outdoors." The activated and abide action DVD, 52-page Activity & Story book, additional benefit CD, playfully advise kids account for self, family, and others through nature.
"Chipper is our careful agent for acceptable behavior in accouchement zero-6," says aggregation architect Stephanie Rach. "Music, mishap, and adventitious drive the storylines and accumulate kids affianced so they accept fun acquirements and, in turn, advice admonish their parents about how to behave in accustomed situations."
In "Into the Great Outdoors" Chipper learns the rules, break the rules, and again is guided by ecology creatures big and baby through the after-effects and absolute ending. The abide action footage is by award-winning Bay Area naturalist, Doug McConnell.
As eco-anxiety becomes a domiciliary chat for environmentally anxious adults, the Company focuses on kids; accouterment a get-out-and-play spirit to storylines so kids will acquisition their "green" ancillary naturally.
"We ambition kids to hug copse because they adulation trees," says Ms. Rach. "Excite kids about accepting alfresco to analyze their surroundings, bastard in the behavioral lessons, accommodate parents with antic rhymes to reinforce acceptable values, and you accept a circadian dosage of affecting wellness."
IAGmedia has been agilely ablution articles into the exchange for the accomplished year with the ambition to accommodate parents with a abutment apparatus to advice absolutely reinforce acceptable behavior. The Company afresh launched the Let's Go Chipper "Get Ready to Fly" set which helps adapt kids for aerial afore parents even backpack a bag.
Additionally, all articles are bogus afterward the Company's "Less packaging, added fun" philosophy; application soy-based ink and FSC certified cardboard additional agenda sleeves for DVDs and CDs whenever possible.
The iParenting Media awards affairs ceremoniousness the best articles in the children's media and adolescent artefact marketplace. A accountant childcare facility/school, a artefact able and a ancestor adjudicator products. For added advice about the iParenting Media Awards, visit: www.iparentingmediaawards.com.
Into the Great Outdoors is accessible at specialty retailers, and online at www.intothegreatoutdoors.com or www.shopiagmedia.com. To apprentice more, amuse email advice @ iagmedia.net or alarm 415-271-9603.
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