Sunday, December 20, 2009

Washington County Utah Launches Project to Cut Costs, Save Citizens Time with SIRE Technologies

Citizens to accept easier and chargeless acceptance to accessible documents

Salt Lake City, UT -- Washington County, Utah will anon be benefiting from the premiere agenda management band-aid offered by SIRE Technologies of Salt Lake City, Utah. The canton has apprenticed with SIRE to apparatus the county-wide solution.

Agenda Plus promises to advice us abate the aggregate of assets appropriate to adapt our Commission affair agendas. Not alone will this advice the canton abate the burning of paper, it will chargeless up our staff's time to focus on added important items - acceptance us to bigger serve our association We chose SIRE Agenda Plus from a account of vendors in allotment due to the akin of chump account they accept provided for the accomplished 5 years. With SIRE, citizens will be able to acceptance accessible abstracts from their home or appointment computers at their convenience, 24/7. Washington County is simplifying their aldermanic administration in all aspects by application the technology we provide Tax-payers will aswell acknowledge the bigger ability because the canton will absorb beneath tax dollars on processes and procedures that were ahead annihilation abbreviate of resource-sapping. The County Commission and the County Planning Department will be application SIRE Agenda Plus™ and SIRE Minutes PlusTM which will accumulate workflow and automate processes such as agenda packet conception and announcement of agendas and acknowledging abstracts anon to the Internet. Using SIRE will aswell badly abate the time and accomplishment appropriate to adapt and deliver abstracts throughout the canton and to the public, ultimately extenuative tax-payer funds. The County Commission and Planning Department will aswell use the arrangement to abate the time and accomplishment appropriate to actualize and broadcast affair minutes.

"Agenda Plus promises to advice us abate the aggregate of assets appropriate to adapt our Commission affair agendas. Not alone will this advice the canton abate the burning of paper, it will chargeless up our staff's time to focus on added important items - acceptance us to bigger serve our association ," said Merle Ireland, IT Director at the County. "We chose SIRE Agenda Plus from a account of vendors in allotment due to the akin of chump account they accept provided for the accomplished 5 years." Various departments of Washington County accept been application SIRE's certificate administration band-aid back 2003 and the canton affairs to body aloft the success they've witnessed so far.

A key account to the community, added than a added able canton government, is how citizens will be able to bound acquisition and acceptance accessible abstracts on the canton website for free. Prior to the accomplishing of SIRE, citizens about had to drive to the canton offices, ample out a appeal form, pay a fee (to awning the amount of copies) and delay until the abstracts were found. "With SIRE, citizens will be able to acceptance accessible abstracts from their home or appointment computers at their convenience, 24/7." Agenda Plus will accomplish it easier for the canton to column affair agendas, acknowledging abstracts and account to the canton website.

"Washington County is simplifying their aldermanic administration in all aspects by application the technology we provide," said Kris Painter, President of SIRE Technologies. "Tax-payers will aswell acknowledge the bigger ability because the canton will absorb beneath tax dollars on processes and procedures that were ahead annihilation abbreviate of resource-sapping."

For added advice about SIRE Agenda Plus, amuse appointment

About SIRE Technologies, Inc.
SIRE Technologies, Inc. is a arch provider of award-winning certificate administration and agenda automation solutions accurately tailored to the needs of accompaniment and bounded government agencies. SIRE's absolute apartment of solutions allows you to advanced certificate recording, abridge business processes, and absolutely automate your annal and agenda administration cycle. SIRE's time-tested after-effects advice actualize arete in bounded babyminding by accretion productivity, abbreviating workloads, and abbreviation aerial while convalescent acceptance to advice and account levels for the public.

Media Contact: Sarah Ellington, Marketing Manager
For added advice about SIRE, alarm (801) 977-8608 or appointment

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