Sunday, December 20, 2009

What Price Presidency?

How does the Office of the U.S. President book as a banking asset for a President, afterwards he finishes his term, for the blow of his life? How abundant will Barack Obama or John McCain angle to accretion financially, anon and indirectly, if they're adopted President? A anew launched banking asset administration website,, invites everybody to abide their responses.

New York, NY -- All are arrive to go to to abide their responses to the afterward two questions for free:

1. How abundant do they anticipate Barack Obama will acquire on an boilerplate in a year for the blow of his activity afterwards he finishes his appellation as the President, if he's elected? Readers charge to access 1% of the anniversary boilerplate balance aggregate that they're guessing, in accepted dollar values. For example, if they anticipate that he'll earn, on an average, annually, $1,000,000 (they could be way off), in the "Estimated Price" box for "ObamaEarnings" they accept to just enter: 10,000 (ten thousand, no comma).

2. How abundant do they anticipate John McCain will acquire on an boilerplate in a year for the blow of his activity afterwards he finishes his appellation as the President, if he's elected? Same action as above, for "McCainEarnings".

As a reminder, all are appropriate to access their estimates for 1% of the two candidates' boilerplate anniversary balance only, in accepted dollar values, afterwards they complete their agreement as the President, if elected.

The website will almanac and affectation the average amount of all the balance estimations submitted every few canicule on the site, as continued as humans abide to abide their estimations, from now till the 2008 Presidential election.

Http:// is advised to advice users learn, agreement and accept fun with banking asset management, and appraisement and trading of all types of banking assets. The website focuses on quick abstract appraisement and cashless trading of large, illiquid assets like absolute estate.

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